Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Hiskashrus leTzaddik HaEmes/ התקשרות לצדיק האמת

2024-06-23 – Hiskashrus LeTzaddik HaEmes – Part 6 – Asking One Chakham to Pray for Someone Who Needs Refuah – Negative Result When More Than One Rabbi Is Asked to Pray – The Tzaddik Is Called Shabbos – Finding One’s Rabbi Is Compared to Hilkhos Shabbos in the Wilderness – Pidyon Nefesh Today

Hiskashrus – Asking One Chakham to Pray for Someone’s Refuah – Negative Result When More Than One Rabbi Is Asked to Pray – The Tzaddik Is Called Shabbos – Finding One’s Rabbi Is Compared to Hilkhos Shabbos in the Wilderness – Pidyon Nefesh Today – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
This series of 6 shiurim is based on a collection of Breslov teachings on this topic compiled by Rabbi Shmuel Horowitz zal (1903-1973), author of Chayey Moharan.
04:02 – Rabbi Shmuel Horowotz writes: “It’s not my job to fix the whole world.”
*05:26 – Finding the true tzaddik is like keeping Shabbos if a person is lost in the wilderness and doesn’t know which day is Shabbos.
06:38 – The tzaddik is called Shabbos.

08:05 – Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach a”h brought many people to true Torah observance even though his methods were sometimes questioned.
11:08 – Story heard from Rabbi Michel Dorfman zal about Bikurim. The mistake of “going above the head” of one’s rabbi.
*16:42 – If someone in a man’s home falls ill, he should ask a chakham to pray for the invalid.
17:53 – “So if I go to 15 different chakhamim my chances of success are 15 times greater?” No. When responsibility falls upon more than one person, each relies on the other, and ultimately the task is not completed. The more widely this responsibility is delegated, the less all involved take it to heart, as in the statement of chazal:
18:12 – קִדְרָא דְבֵי שׁוּתָּפֵי, לָא חַמִּימָא וְלָא קָרִירָא “A pot belonging to partners is neither hot nor cold” Eruvin 3b.

19:46 – BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE about how Rabbi Michel Dorfman zal prayed for people at chatzos halayla, setting aside a coin for each name. Then he would distribute this charity at tefilas shacharis b’netz and/or thereafter.
20:42 – Account of Rebbe Nachman’s grandson asking his grandfather to give him something as a pidyon for praying for him. Rebbe Nachman gave the child his watch and spoke to HaShem from his heart. Rebbe Nachman praised the child’s simplicity.
*22:41 – The universal spiritual impact of Rebbe Nachman is becoming even greater than that of the Baal Shem Tov HaKodesh.
24:00 – Sipurey Maasios – Story of The Rabbi’s Only Son.
*25:36 – Rav Nosson of Nemirov zal in Likutey Halakhos explains: when a person finds the tzaddik , that’s when the deeper search for the tzaddik really begins. Then the student begins a quest to find the holiness in that rabbi and how to apply the depths of his teachings to his life.
26:37 – Q&R – To whom do we give a pidyon nefesh today?
28:48 – Q&R about Rebbe Nachman’s advice to learn from many different holy seforim.
30:33 – Q&R about Kivrei Tzaddikim.
31:00 – Rabbi Rosenfeld’s priorities in visiting Kivrei Tzaddikim.
34:34 – BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE – graves that Rabbi Michel Dorfman zal would visit in Eretz Yisrael, especially Rabbi Shimon HaTzaddik in Yerushalayim and Rabbi Nachman Hrodenker zal in Tiverias.
*35:44 – Q&R – When davening at a tzaddik’s kever, we never pray to the tzaddik – we pray only to HaShem, in the merit of the tzaddik.
36:42 – Q&R – tips for strengthening one’s kesher with the Tzaddik Emes. 1) Learning and supporting the publication of his seforim.
38:03 – 2) Connecting with students of the tzaddik, through Torah study and through davening in a Breslov shul.
41:37 – Is there only one Tzaddik Emes?
42:36 – When Yeshaya HaNavi said שִׁמְע֚וּ שָׁמַ֙יִם֙ וְהַֽאֲזִ֣ינִי אֶ֔רֶץ – “Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth…” (Yeshaya 1:2) everything in creation stood still.
45:44 – A tzaddik is compared with a tree and his students are like its branches.
46:53 – Q&R about one’s ancestry – can interest in Breslov be the result of being a descendant of a Breslov chassid?
47:54 – Q&R – Each can find his or her way to the Tzaddik Yisod Olam through simple, sincere tefilah. HaShem wants us to succeed.
50:24 – Closing blessings.

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