Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Hiskashrus leTzaddik HaEmes/ התקשרות לצדיק האמת

2024-06-09 – Hiskashrus LeTzaddik HaEmes – Part 4 – Moshe Rabbeinu Is the Tzaddik HaEmes and Is Reincarnated When the Generation Is Ready – Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai zal

HiskashrusMoshe Rabbeinu Is the Tzaddik HaEmes and Is Reincarnated When the Generation Is Ready – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
This series of 6 shiurim is based on a collection of Breslov teachings on this topic compiled by Rabbi Shmuel Horowitz zal (1903-1973), author of Chayey Moharan.
00:00 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 129. Emunah is a foundation of the Torah.
04:39 – There are levels of tzaddikim – not all are alike. Sipurey Naasios – Story of The Rabbis Only Son. It takes determination and mesiras nefesh to connect with the tzaddik.
07:46 – The significance of Uman Rosh Hashanah.
08:56 – Shevachey HaRan – Rebbe Nachman’s resolve, even as a child, to overcome physical desires.
10:27 – Seeking the greatest possible tzaddik.
11:49 – Chapter 5 – Kriyas Shema.
23:17 – Rabbi Chaim Vittal zal – Akeidas Yitzchak. Why was this Avraham Avinu’s ultimate test?
24:59 – The tzaddik is called “bris” – covenant.
*29:23 – In Chayey Moharan, Rebbe Nachman is quoted as saying – “Once the true tzaddik is in the world, it’s impossible to be religious without coming close to him.”
29:53 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 66.
32:38 – The nine basic nekudos – vowels – in Loshon HaKodesh.
33:39 – Reb Avrom beReb Nachman Tulchiner zal – “I am standing on the shoulders of a giant.”
34:50 – This section of the sefer is a collection of letters written by the author.
*39:36 – HaShem’s intent from the time of creation is for people to seek out the Tzaddik HaEmesMoshe Rabbeinu.
42:11 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 4.
42:38 – Through tefilah, Moshe Rabbeinu was able to quiet the bones of Yehudah when Am Yisrael left Mitzrayim. This led to Reuven’s complete teshuvah as well (Bava Kama 92a).
*45:55 – Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai zal was a reincarnation of Moshe Rabbeinu.
49:11 – Q&R about the 4 reincarnations of Moshe Rabbeinu’s soul corresponding to the 5 parts of the Jewish soul.
51:15 – Rabbi Maimon’s surgery is scheduled for tomorrow. Please daven for R’ Nasan Yaakov ben Yenta Fradel.
51:35 – NOTE about Shavuos. Today is the first of the three days of hagbalah.

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