Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon


2024-07-12 – LH6 – EH – Kesubos 2 – Connection With the Tzaddik Enables Perception of Olam HaBah – Sheleymus HaOsios – Yud Can Perfect Any Letter – Spiritual Connection Between Writing and Marriage – Kesuba – Purpose of Creation Is the Revelation of HaShem

Kesubos 2 – Connection With the Tzaddik Enables Perception of Olam HaBahSheleymus HaOsiosYud Can Perfect Any Letter – Spiritual Connection Between Writing and Marriage – Kesuba – Purpose of Creation Is the Revelation of HaShem – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Kesubos 2 is based on Likutey Moharan 18.
00:00 – KESUBOS 2. Connection With the Tzaddik Enables Perception of Olam HaBah – Sheleymus HaOsiosYud can perfect any letter.
09:00 – בְּכָל־דְּרָכֶ֥יךָ דָעֵ֑הוּ וְ֜ה֗וּא יְיַשֵּׁ֥ר אֹֽרְחֹתֶֽיךָ – “Know Him in all your ways, and He will straighten your paths” (Mishlei 3:6).
10:00 – Q&R about tikkun of anger.
11:30 – Tachlis and Tekhelis. Sheleymus HaOsios – writing is a process of completion. Black ink joining with white paper is similar to the connection between machshava and maaseh – thought and deed.
*15:30 – BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE about Rav Nasan of Nemirov zal as a child when he first learned about death. He began wondering about takhlis – the purpose of life – and never stopped wondering.
16:50 – BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE – Rabbi Michel Dorfman zal explained, “Rav Nosson wanted to know the takhlis of life even as a child. He held onto that question all his days, therefore every page of Likutey Halakhos cries out “what is the takhlis?’ “

19:00 – HaShem’s intention in creation was that we should connect sof maaseh with His machshava techila – original intent.
20:00 – Shemiras HaBris is the most powerful way to achieve the takhlis of creation. Malkus is the end of maaseh.
21:30 – Megillas Esther – Eser – Malkhus – אֲנִ֚י רִאשׁוֹן֙ וַֽאֲנִ֣י אַֽחֲר֔וֹן – “…I am the Beginning and I am the End…” (Yeshaya 44:6).
*23:00 – The purpose of creation is the revelation of HaShem through connecting His initial intent with words and deeds in the physical world. This can only be accomplished by man.
22:30 – If the Yisod is damaged, the takhlis of creation cannot be completed.
28:30 – Woman represents malkhus – sof hamaaseh. Sarah Imeinu – Isha Yiras Hashem. Shemiras HaBris protects the connection between husband and wife, and between HaShem and Klal Yisrael.
31:00 – Znus is a form of pegam habris – it means disconnection, leaving the place where a person belongs. The kesuba solidifies the connection between husband and wife.
33:00 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 1 – spiritual aspects of sun and moon.
35:30 – Money is a form of Malkhus, therefore the kesuba is a document solidifying the flow of wealth in a marriage. Reference to Likutey Moharan 17.
36:30 – Money is rooted in HaShem’s “original intent” in creation.
38:00 – Story about the chest hidden in the sea that belonged to Chanina ben Dossa.
39:30 – Tekhelis is the merging of black ink with white parchment.
41:30 – Perfection of tefilah is combining the beginning of tefilah with the end.
*43:00 – It’s forbidden for a husband an wife to live together without a kesuba. This document establishes that the union between husband and wife should be a healthy, permanent flow of connection, just as the ink on the document connects to the paper on which the text of the kesuba is written.
45:30 – Q&R about the connection between Likutey Moharan 18 and the content of this halakha.
*47:00 – Q&R about dibur vs. writing in hisbodedus. Both speech and writing are an expression of the soul. The word anochi is roshei teivos “I place my soul in my writing”. Tefilah must be spoken. Reference to Likutey Moharan 192.
*50:00 – You can’t compare reading a tzaddik’s words in writing and what is heard directly from him in speech. Reference to Likutey Moharan 19.
*51:00 – Using writing to support one’s spoken hisbodedus.
52:00 – Q&R about repairing fear vs.repairing anger.
*53:00 – Q&R about initial thought and intent being closer to the final takhlis – the end result.
56:00 – Closing NOTE about Parshas Parah Aduma.
57:00 – Q&R about Shlomo HaMelech’s statement about something that cannot be repaired.
59:00 – Q&R about this week’s parsha – Chukas – when Moshe Rabbeinu strikes the rock instead of speaking to it. Reference to Likutey Moharan 20.

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