Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Hiskashrus leTzaddik HaEmes/ התקשרות לצדיק האמת

2024-06-02 – Hiskashrus LeTzaddik HaEmes – Part 3 – Every Jew Is a Specific Part of the Mishkan – Drawing Close to the Tzaddik Bring a Person Closer to HaShem

Hiskashrus LeTzaddik HaEmes – Every Jew Is a Specific Part of the Mishkan – Drawing Close to the Tzaddik Bring a Person Closer to HaShem – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
This series of 6 shiurim is based on a collection of Breslov teachings on this topic compiled by Rabbi Shmuel Horowitz zal (1903-1973), author of Chayey Moharan.
00:00 – Introduction, review.
01:50 – Reference to sefer Kokhvey Ohr.
*07:49 – Every Jew is a specific part of the mishkan.
09:13 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 4. Seeing the face of the tzaddik.
09:49 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 183.
11:54 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 5.
12:55 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 135.
13:58 – Through humility a person becomes part of the tzaddik.
17:49 – Story of the Seven Beggars in the Sipurey Maasiyos.
20:04 – Story of the Holy Baal Shem Tov.
21:29 – Q&R about attaching oneself to a living talmid chokham.
25:16 – Analogy of tefillin.
*25:41 – The power of mesiras nefesh.
29:14 – Sichos HaRan – the Daleth in the word echad.
33:11 – Korach.
*34:14 – Q&R – drawing close to the tzaddik brings a person closer to HaShem.
*35:14 – זֶֽה־הַשַּׁ֥עַר לַֽיהֹוָ֑ה צַ֜דִּיקִ֗ים יָ֘בֹ֥אוּ בֽוֹ – “This is the HaShem’s gate – the righteous…” Tehillim 118:20.
35:56 – What is “closeness with the tzaddik“?
36:50 – Q&R about the centrality of the tzaddik haemes being intended by HaShem throughout Jewish history, beginning with Moshe Rabbeinu.
*44:05 – Q&R about HaShem being more protective of the tzaddik’s honor than of His own honor. HaShem rules over the world, and the tzaddik rules over HaShem (Moed Katan 16).
49:29 – Q&R – showing disrespect to the tzaddik is showing disrespect to HaShem.
54:21 – Q&R about how connection with the tzaddik is done.

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