Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH5-22-Bechor Beheyma Tehora

2024-03-03 – LH5 – YD2 – Bechor Beheyma Tehora 4 – Para. 5-7 – Yirah at Har Sinai – Ekev – The 4 Parshios – Fear of HaShem vs. Avoda Zara – Idolotry – Purim – Mordechai – Esther – Fragrance of Holiness Is Associated with Yirah – Simcha Is a Crown

Bechor Beheyma Tehora 4 – Yirah at Har SinaiEkev – The 4 Parshios – Fear of HaShem vs. Avoda Zara – Idolotry – Purim – Mordechai – Esther – Fragrance of Holiness Is Associated with YirahSimcha Is a Crown – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Bechor Beheyma Tehora 4 is based on Likutey Moharan 185.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 5. Awe at Har Sinai. Rosh HaShanah. Parshas Ekev.
*14:00 – PARAGRAPH 6. The Four Parshios before Pesach.
27:00 – NOTE about Rabbi Michel Dorfman zal’s description of Reb Zanvil zal, who, when in prison, resolved to do teshuvah if HaShem would rescure him. He was miraculously released and became a devout chossid.
29:00 PARAGRAPH 7. Purim. Reference to Sanhedrin 67: idols represent the pegam beyirah – defective respect – of the 70 Nations. Reference to 2Likutey Moharan 77 – when a person is eating with holiness he draws upon himself yirah.
34:00 – Moshiach will have the fragrance of yirah. Mordechai – Mor DeRor (Parshas Ki Sisa, read yesterday). Reference to 2Likutey Moharan 8.
35:00 – Esther – hadassim – myrtle trees – have a good fragrance. Their oil was used to anoint the keylim in the Beis HaMikdash. All types of holiness are associated with yirah.
40:00 – Yirah will bring Moshiach.
*42:00 – Pri Etz Chaim – the heara – spiritual illumination – of Purim is greater than that received on any other day of the year. Yirah is dependent on daas. On Purim, the entire world receives more yirah than at any other time of year.
43:00 – Pesach is also a time of yirah. Reference to Likutey Moharan 135.
44:00 – On each holiday we are judge regarding different produce, and judgement is an aspect of yirah.
*46:00 – Simcha is called a crown. The letters of simcha also spell machshava.
*47:00 – Reading the Megillah on Purim is an aspect of yirah.
52:00 – Mordechai embodied yirah, while simultaneously his name is begematria “Rav Chesed” – one of the 13 Midos Shel Rachamim.
*53:00 – Q&R about how to achieve yirah on Purim. Mitzvos of the day – Likutey Tefilos I – Tefilos 10 and 56, Likutey Tefilos II Tefilah 37.

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