Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Tzaddik/ צדיק יסוד עולם

Rabbi Yaakov Shimshon bar Yitzchak of Shepetovka – The Story of His Fiery Debate with the Noda BeYehuda – Part 2 of 2

Rabbi Yaakov Shimshon bar Yitzchak of Shepetovka – The Story of His Fiery Debate with the Noda BeYehuda – Part 2 of 2 – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
00:00 – Introduction and review of the story so far.
18:00 – The fiery debate between the Shepetovka and the Noda BeYehuda continues.
25:33 – The Shepetovka astounds the most accomplished Torah scholars of Prague with a ten-day discourse on the ten levels of strength in physical matter.
30:14 – The Noda BeYehuda begs the Shepetovka to reveal who he is and his reason for coming to Prague.
32:56 – Debate between these two Tzaddikim about the nature of miracles.
34:00 – Emunat Chachamim and the meaning of the word “Et” in the commandment to fear HaShem.
46:52 – The Noda BeYehuda thanks the Shepetovka profoundly.
*49:54 – פֵּ֖תַח דְּבָרֶ֥יךָ יָאִ֗יר מֵבִ֥ין פְּתָיִֽים: – “The commencement of Your words enlightens; You make the simple understand” (Tehillim 119:130). How the dimensions of the Menorah correspond to the opening words of HaShem’s description of creation.
*55:17 – The Torah is compared with water because just as thirst is a prerequisite for making a blessing on drinking water, so too, thirst is a prerequisite for truly learning Torah.
57:53 – Closing blessing.

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