Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH5-18-Kiley Kerem-2

2023-12-26 – LH5 – YD2 – Kiley Kerem 2 – Para. 4b-6 – Vidui Devarim to Achieve Bitul – Joy of the Future – Two Aspects of Wine – Reshimu – Imprint of the Ohr Ein Sof – Silent Scream – Nadav and Avihu

Kiley Kerem 2 – Vidui Devarim to Achieve Bitul – Joy of the Future – Two Aspects of Wine – Reshimu – Imprint of the Ohr Ein Sof – Silent Scream – Nadav and Avihu – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Kiley Kerem 2 is based on Likutey Moharan 4.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 4b. Vidui Devarim to achieve Bitul. Two aspects of wine.
07:12 – PARAGRAPH 5. Kiley Kerem – the Torah prohibition of planting two different species of crops next to one another is most strict regarding a vineyard because grapes are used to make wine.
08:10 – Wine had two basic properties – one positive and one negative.
12:09 – Joy of the future.
15:30 – NOTE on the miluy of the Shem Y – K – V – K.
16:25 – NOTE – in the Names AV and SaG there are seven Yuds.
18:10 – Achieving bitul in our present generation.
19:40 – Fire, water, air, earth.
20:44 – The four who entered PaRDeS.
25:48 – Q&R about bitul.
26:26 – Q&R about tefilah – prayer.
27:32 – Definition of Bitul. Reshimu – imprint of the Ohr Ein Sof.
28:50 – Returning from the state of bitul. Reshimu.
30:35 – Two aspects of wine.
36:27 – Q&R about Hasagos Elokus and levels of Bitul.
*41:00 – Q&R about dangers when entering the state of Bitul.
38:41 – Description of the “Silent Scream”. RE Yaakov Avinu’s cry “heard in Beis Paraoh” – the Zohar explains Kol missing the Vuv is heard in the Palace of the King.

39:08 – The highest form of tefilah is the silent Shemoneh Esrei.
41:14 – The sin of Adam HaRishon.
43:30 – Nadav and Avihu.
45:34 – PARAGRAPH 6. Wine requires guarding more than any other crop.
55:00 – Q&R about non-Jewish use of wine.

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