Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Chayey Moharan - Life of Rebbe Nachman/ חיי מוהר"ן

2022-10-02 – Chayey Moharan – Life of Rebbe Nachman – Part 12-13 – Para. 198-205 – Clothing of a Tzaddik – “You’re Fortunate To Have a Rebbe Like Me”

Chayey Moharan – Clothing of a Tzaddik – “You’re Fortunate To Have a Rebbe Like Me”- Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
00:30 – PARAGRAPH 198.
04:35 – Tefilah beVechinas Din.
05:17 – PARAGRAPH 199.
06:47 – Rav Nachman Tcherin zal compiled the Chayey Moharan.
07:09 – PARAGRAPH 200.
10:43 – NOTE – Pirkei Avos – Learning Torah for its own sake.
11:37 – Rav Chaim Vital zal.
12:58 – PARAGRAPH 201.
15:53 – Hashem “cloaked Himself” in Mitzrayim.
20:07 – Pirkei Avos – The difference between the students of Avraham Avinu and the students of Bilaam.
21:44 – Q&R about being drawn to a Tzaddik because of his external appearance vs. his speech.
25:47 – PARAGRAPH 202.
26:04 – Shavuos.
28:30 – PARAGRAPH 204.
40:28 – PARAGRAPH 205.
42:15 – Eicha – “The holy stones…”
44:05 – “More stones are being added all the time…”
46:51 – “You’re fortunate to have a Rebbe like me…”
47:31 – NOTE about a Tzaddik praising himself.
51:58 – Sefer Nofes Tzufim is an index to the Likutey Halakhos by topic.
52:39 – Q&R about the concept of Batim – holy structures formed by relationships between Jews.
53:40 – Closing blessings.

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