Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Halakha and Customs – Rabbi Rosenfeld ז"ל/ הלכה ומנהג

Halakha 9b – Shacharis – Halakhos – Transitions Between the Four Worlds – Shemoneh Esrei – Tefilah Opens Gates of Torah

Halakha 9b – Shacharis – Halakhos – Transitions Between the Four Worlds – Shemoneh EsreiTefilah Opens Gates of Torah – Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal.
00:00 – Shacharis – Halakhos of the four sections of Shacharis. Transitions between the Four Worlds.
08:59 – Olam HaAtzilus – Shemoneh Esrei.
09:40 – Hisbodedus.
10:53 – It’s important to ask Hashem for the ability to pray.
12:33 – If a person isn’t concentrating during Shemoneh Esrei has he fulfilled the obligation to pray?
15:05 – Story of a Rosh Yeshiva who took his students to a circus to see a tightrope walker.
18:20 – Shemoneh EsreiKavana is mandatory during the first Bracha.
19:40 – Ata Gibor…
20:33 – Third blessing: Ata Kadosh…
20:53 – Middle blessings.
23:22 – Chassidim HaRishonim davened 9 hours a day – how did they learn Torah?
25:04 – Tefilah opens gates of Torah.
25:19 – Dealing with foreign thoughts during prayer – Tehillah (prayer) – Tehala (confusion).

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