Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

R' Rosenfeld - Likutey Moharan 1/ לקוטי מוהר"ן - ר' רוזנפלד ז"ל

R’ Rosenfeld – Likutey Moharan 251 – Tzedakah (Charity) Is An Aspect of Truth

Likutey Moharan 251 – Tzedakah (Charity) Is An Aspect of Truth- Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal. (Recorded in 1960.)

00:00 – The charity of non-Jews.
04:44 – Tzedakah is an aspect of truth.
06:42 – Hashem, Am Yisrael, and the Torah Are One.
09:32 – Shame causes a change in the colors of the face.

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