Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Tefilah - Prayer

Tefilah – Lesson 04 – Shacharis for Women – Part 3 – Shema – Amidah – Shemoneh Esrei

Tefilah – Lesson 04 – Shacharis for Women – Part 3 – Amidah – Shemoneh Esrei – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. (Recorded on 1988-11-22.)
00:00 – Shema – why we cover our eyes.
22:34 – Ozer Dalim.
28:06 – Hashem Sifsei Tiftach.
32:44 – Shemoneh Esrei.
36:50 – Three steps back and three steps forward before Shemoneh Esrei.
41:05 – Q&R about the Shemoneh Esrei.

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