Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

R' Rosenfeld - Likutey Moharan 1/ לקוטי מוהר"ן - ר' רוזנפלד ז"ל

R’ Rosenfeld – Likutey Moharan 76 – Spiritual Aspects of Vision – Time and Space – Parnassah – Livelihood – Connecting With Tzaddikim – Teshuvah MeiAhava

Likutey Moharan 76 – Spiritual Aspects of Vision – Time and Space – Parnassah – Livelihood – Connecting With Tzaddikim – Teshuvah MeiAhava – Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal. (Recorded in 1960.)

00:00 – PARAGRAPH 1. Spiritual aspects of vision – the power of eyesight.
05:53 – PARAGRAPH 2. “Through vision he sets his soul in motion.”
08:18 – PARAGRAPH 3. The dimensions of time and space. Parnassah – livelihood. עֵ֣ינֵי כֹ֖ל אֵלֶ֣יךָ יְשַׂבֵּ֑רוּ וְאַתָּ֚ה נוֹתֵֽן־לָהֶ֖ם אֶת־אָכְלָ֣ם בְּעִתּֽוֹ – “Everyone’s eyes look to You with hope, and You give them their food in its time” (Tehillim 145:15).
11:00 – PARAGRAPH 4. Benefits of connecting with Tzaddikim.
13:34 – PARAGRAPH 5. A person needs to renew his intellect every day.
18:34 – Teshuvah. שׁוּבוּ בָּנִים֙ שֽׁוֹבָבִ֔ים אֶרְפָּ֖ה מְשׁוּבֹֽתֵיכֶ֑ם – “Return, rebellious children, I will cure your rebelliousness…” (Yirmiyahu 3:22).
20:22 – PARAGRAPH 6.

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