Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon


2022-10-21 – LH4 – YD1 – Ribis 5 – Para. 2-3 – Bereishis – Conflict Causes Poverty; Since Wealth is a Mindset, Why Pray to Improve Our Lives?

Ribis 5 – Para. 2-3 – Bereishis – Conflict Causes Poverty; Since Wealth is a Mindset, Why Pray to Improve Our Lives? Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Ribis 5 is based on Likutey Moharan 179.
00:00 – Dedications. PARAGRAPH 2. Conflict causes poverty. Justice is the result of true peace between people.
05:20 – Money is associated with less daas, as in מִצָּפוֹן זָהָ֣ב יֶֽאֱתֶ֑ה – “Gold comes from the north” (Iyov 37:22).
06:40 – וְעַל־פַּת־לֶ֜֗חֶם יִפְשַׁע־גָּֽבֶר – “…but for a piece of bread a man will sin” (Mishlei 28:21).
20:48 – Q&R about children who are financially dependent on their parents.
22:25 – PARAGRAPH 3. Money and the concepts of time and beyond time.
26:45 – וּצְדָקָ֖ה תִּֽהְיֶה־לָּ֑נוּ – “And charity will be for us…” (Devarim 6:25, VaEschanan). The power of tzedakah.
27:49 – וַֽחֲטָאָךְ֙ (כתיב וַֽחֲטָיָךְ֙) בְּצִדְקָ֣ה פְרֻ֔ק – “…showing mercy to the poor will remove your sin” (Daniel 4:24).
30:00 – Poverty originated when Adam and Chava ate from the Knowledge of Good and Evil, as in בְּעִצָּבוֹן֙ תֹּֽאכֲלֶ֔נָּה – “…you will derive food from it in anguish…” (Bereishis 3:17, Bereishis). One conflict between people can impoverish thousands.
32:10 – Wealthy people and poor people think differently, which sometimes causes animosity, as in וַיִּרְדֹּ֡ף אִישׁ־עָנִ֣י וְ֖אֶבְיוֹן – “…and he pursued a poor and needy man…” (Tehillim 109:16).
36:15 – Q&R about Beis Din meeting on Mondays and Thursdays.
*37:06 – Q&R about wealth being a frame of mind rather than how much money a person has. Example of different types of equipment given for different tasks in the army. “The privilege of being poor”.
38:43 – Moshal – story with a moral – two people who joined the army and are issued different types of equipment and clothing.
40:34 – Q&R about mindset and wealth. Examples from Sipurei Masiyos – Story of the Clever Man and the Simple Man, and Story of the Master of Prayer.
*45:47 – Q&R – Since wealth is a mindset, why pray to improve our lives? Tefilah creates vessels to receive Hashem’s blessings.

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