Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH2-02-Netilas Yadayim LiSeudah/ הלכות נטילת ידים לסעודה

2020-09-27 – LH2 – OC2 – Netilas Yedayaim LiSeudah 6 – Para. 22-25 – Laws and Customs of Shabbos Teshuvah and Erev Yom Kippur – Pesach Seder; Salt on Matzah Mitzvah or Not

Netilas Yedayaim LiSeudah 6 – Laws and Customs of Shabbos Teshuvah and Erev Yom KippurPesach Seder – Salt on Matzah-Mitzvah or Not – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
00:00 – Inyanim of the season – today is Erev Yom Kippur.
*06:45 – The Shabbos Teshuvah (also called Shabbos Shuvah) drasha (Torah lecture) is traditionally about the laws of Yom Kippur.
07:39 – PARAGRAPH 22.
12:17 – PARAGRAPH 23.
16:22 – NOTE on salting the Matzah eaten for the mitzvah at the Pesach Seder: The Ramah and the Tikkunei Zohar say not to salt the Matzah-Mitzvah, while the Beis Yosef and the Arizal say to yes salt the Matzah-Mitzvah.
19:34 – Reference to Likutey Halakhos, Pesach 9, Para. 2 on Lechem Oni – “Poor Man’s Bread”.
22:22 – The final two cups of win at the Pesach Seder.
23:34 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 7 on Tehillim 104 – Borchi Nafshi.
23:44 – Arba Kosos – The four cups of wine at the Pesach Seder.
25:45 – Q&R – We salt the challah that is dipped in honey on Rosh Hashanah.
26:32 – Why is the festive meal on Pesach called “seder”?
29:59 – NOTE: Ha’arus haratzon.
31:35 – Comment by student: 2 x Lechem (78) plus melach (78) x 3 is begematria Shabbos(702).
32:27 – PARAGRAPH 25.
36:13 – Clarification of previous paragraph according to the Arizal.
40:13 – Comment by student: Rabbi Shimshon Rafael Hirsch z”l on the Korbon Tamid.
*41:04 – Inyanim of the season – today is Erev Yom Kippur.
44:17 – The Torah is the equivalent of the Kadosh Kedoshim in our generation: Mishlei – yakara m’peninim – “More precious than pearls” – refers to the Torah .
46:13 – Q&R about possuk showing male and female are equal.
*47:26 – Closing blessings – noshim tzidkaniyos – righteous women.
48:04 – Working on the Sukkah immediately after Yom Kippur.
49:47 – Three customs about dipping challah in salt and honey during the Yomim Norayim – High Holidays.
50:42 – R’ Nasan’s apology to the kehillah.
51:26 – Q&R about pidyon nefesh.
51:59 – Q&R about Tikkun HaKlali.
53:05 – Q&R – saying Tashlich is permitted even if no natural body of water is available.

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