Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH2-07-Birkhas HaPeyros/ הלכות ברכת הפירות

2021-01-29 – LH2 – OC2 – Birkhas HaPeyros 3 – Para. 7 – Remembering Shabbos through Wine; Memory; Drinking on Purim; Five Parts of the Soul; Borchi Nafshi; Kos Shel Bracha; 4 Cups of Wine on Pesach

Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Birkhas HaPeyros– Remembering Shabbos through wine; memory; remembrance; drinking on Purim; five Parts of the soul; Borchi Nafshi; Kos Shel Bracha.

00:00 – Dedications. Today, the 16th of Shevat, the shiur is dedicated l’ilui nishmas Reb Yaakov Gedaliah b’Reb Nesanel Tefilinsky z”l. Today’s shiur is also dedicated by Reb Gershon Weintraub for his father, whose yahrzeit is on the 17th of Shevat: l’ilui nishmas Reb Eliezer Lipa b’Reb Yaakov Mordechai Weintraub z”l. Today’s shiur is also dedicated by Michael Ben Meleh to honor his mother’s yahrzeit on the 17th of Shevat: l’ilui nishmas Devorah Feiga bas Reizel a”h.
01:50 – PARAGRAPH 7. Remembering Shabbos through wine. Remembrance of Shabbos throughout the week by saying the Shir Shel Yom each day.
13:00 – Last three lines of the Shir Shel Yom (Song of the Day) that we recite on Wednesday are the beginning phrases
22:00 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 56: to the degree a person increases their daas, to that degree their parnassa (livelihood) .
23:00 – Remembering Shabbos through wine eliminates the negativity of the six weeks days and connects them to the holiness of Shabbos.
20:10 – Tu B’Shevat is the birthday of Rav Nasan of Nemirov. Rabbi Rosenfeld z”ls birthday was the 16th of Shevat.
20:30 – PARAGRAPH 8. It’s mitzvah of to get drunk on Purim because on that day, wine is elevated to the holiness of memory. Parshas Zachor.
*25:13 – NOTE about drinking wine on Purim and drinking wine on Pesach. Rabbi Yehudah b’Rabbi Ilui had his head bandaged from Pesach until Shavuos. Women can use grape juice for the 4 cups of wine on Pesach. Guidelines for drinking on Purim.
28:37 – PARAGRAPH 9. Kos Shel Bracha: Saying Birkhas HaMazon (blessing after eating bread) over a cup of wine, elevates the preceding meal to “Holy Remembrance” of Hashem’s sovereignty.
31:37 – PARAGRAPH 10.
31:54 – QUESTION about a person who can’t drink wine.
33:16 – Five remembrances correspond to the five parts of the soul, which allude to the five times “Borchi Nafshi” in Tehillim/Psalm 104. This also alludes to the five concluding letters of the Aleph Beis: MeNaTzPaCh.
39:49 – The four cups of wine on Pesach (Passover) correspond to the four expressions of geulah.
41:20 – Remembrance of the Torah
41:40 – Remembrance of Amalek.
42:26 – Remembering the story of Miriam HaNeviyah: her punishment for speaking against Moshe Rabbeinu. Reference to Likutey Moharan 54 and how loshon hara (evil speech) works against zikaron dekedusha (holy memory).
46:11 – Remembrance of Shabbos.
47:11 – QUESTION about the difference between memory and remembrance. RESPONSE: Reference to the Blind Beggar in Rebbe Nachman’s story of “The Seven Beggars”.
49:16 – QUESTION about five remembrances vs. six remembrances.
49:32 – QUESTION: How do we know when to “forget about it” when other Jews want to cause harm to Am Yisrael?
53:41 – Closing remarks and thank-you’s.

To dedicate this shiur, click HERE.