Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon


Likutey Moharan 74 (Clip) – Adar – Wiping Out Amalek in 720 Hours – Moshiach Arrives Erev Pesach

Likutey Moharan 74 (Clip) – Adar – Wiping Out Amalek in 720 Hours – Moshiach Arrives Erev Pesach. Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Entire shiur is HERE.
00:00 – Amalek is wiped out on three different levels during the 30 days between Purim and Pesach. This equals 720 hours. The gematria of 3 times Amalek is 720. (From a letter written by Rav Avraham Kokhav-Lev Sternhartz ז “ל based on the Bnei Yissa’char).
03:48 – During the 30 days between Purim and Pesach, Hashem extends a special kindness to every Jewish soul: if the individual is careful about how they use their time during this period, Hashem rescues him from all from impurities incurred during the previous year. (Sefer Chessed l’Avraham, written by the father of the Chida ז”ל.)
05:47 – Background for the tradition that Moshiach will arrive on Erev Pesach.

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