Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Likutey Moharan 1/ ליקוטי מוהר"ן

lm1-181 – Likutey Moharan 56 – Para. 12 – Likutey Moharan 57 – Para. 1a – Mikveh on Shavuos – Simcha – Depression – 39 Curses vs. 39 Melachos of Shabbos – Words of HaShem Create Angels

Likutey Moharan 56 – Likutey Moharan 57 – Mikveh on Shavuos Simcha – Depression – 39 Curses vs. 39 Melachos of Shabbos – Words of HaShem Create Angels – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. (Lesson 181. Recorded 1979-12-23.)
00:00 – NOTE: HaShem hides Himself to allow for free will in man and the development of emunah and emunas Chokhomim.
03:13 – PARAGRAPH 12. Mikveh on Shavuos night. Shavuos is an aspect of Malkhus.
***07:00 – Depression results from lack of movement. Itzavon – 39 Klalos given to the earth opposing the 39 melakhos of Shabbos. Calling out to kedusha – using the voice requires movement – this prevents depression.
09:20 – Itzavon yedayaim – heaviness of the hands.
11:07 – Likutey Moharan 57 – PARAGRAPH 1. When is Moshiach coming? When this gate (of Syria) will fall three times.
12:40 – “Today is the day after Chanukah.”
13:00 – Every word spoken by HaShem creates a malakh – an angel (Chagiga 14a) and splits into many sparks.

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