Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH1-04-Tefillin/ הלכות תפלין

OC1 – Lesson 060 – Tefillin 5 – Para. 4-5

This halakha is based on Rebbe Nachman’s Sipurey Masiyos – specifically on the account of the First Beggar in the story of the Seven Beggars.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 4. (Lesson 060a). Tefillin bring life, as wisdom brings life. They correspond to the words: אהיה ד’ אהיה with the daled standing for the shem of yud-hey-vuv-and hey. (21 plus 26 plus 21) which equals חיים. An explanation of the concept of עתיק יומין – the Throne of Atik Yomin.
09:30 – PARAGRAPH 5. What is חיים ארכים – true long life? The blind beggar is simultaneously “very old and very young”. The power of התחדשות – renewal. “Regard each day as the first day you’ve entered into the covenant.” (Berakhos 63)
21:42 – (Lesson 060b). Based on Likutey Moharan Torah 60 – the essence of true living is renewal.
34:52 – (Lesson 060c). Even if a person is a great tzaddik, the secret of his success is the ability to start all over again, from nothing at all. This is true “long life.”
48:14 – Renewal is the essence of tefillin, which a person puts on every day, as if it’s the very first time. Tefillin gives the power of renewal. A description of shevet Naftali, who are blessed with this power.

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