Podcast (shiurim): Download (Duration: 57:02 — 26.1MB)
Tefillin 5 – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Tefillin 5 is based on the story of the Seven Beggars in Rebbe Nachman’s Sipurey Masiyos. Specifically, it draws from the section about the first day of the sheva brochos and the story told by the blind beggar.
00:00 PARAGRAPH 1. (Lesson 059a). The first beggar wished the newlywed couple in the story חיים ארוכים – chayim aruchim – long life. The old men in the tower relate how long they’ve lived. The oldest one remembers “nothing at all”.
19:40 – (Lesson 059b). Rebbe Nachman tells his students, “If I had only come into the world to tell this one story, it would still be a very great thing.”
25:10 – PARAGRAPH 2. Each of the elders in the tower relates a story older than the previous one. These stories describe the nefesh, ruach, and neshoma – levels of the soul.
30:08 – PARAGRAPH 3. How the story of the first beggar relates to tefillin: ולזכרון בין עיניך “as a remembrance between your eyes…” The parchment in the tefillin shel rosh contain four sections of Torah and the tefillin shel yad contain four sections of Torah.
38:43 – (Lesson 059c). How the eight Torah sections written on the tefillin‘s parchment correspond to the eight elders in the tower of the first beggar’s story.
50:28 – The tefillin shel rosh correspond to מחין דדכורא – the “masculine mentalities” and the הדרת פני זקן.
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