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NaCh - Prophets and Writings/ נביאים וכתובים - רבי צבי אריה רוזנפלד ז"ל

NACH 10 – Shmuel 1 – Lesson 2 – The Reign of Shaul HaMelech

Shmuel 1 – The First Book of Samuel – The Reign of Shaul HaMelech – Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal.
00:00 – The special qualities of Shaul HaMelech (King Saul) were purity of mind and humility. In pursuit of lost donkeys, he meets the Prophet Shmuel (Samuel).
03:35 – The custom of going to a chassidic Rebbe for advice and donating a gift as expression of respect. (Presentation of a “kvitel“.)
07:00 – Shaul is told that he will be king of Israel. Shmuel instructs him to look up at the sky to strengthen his yiras shemayaim (reverence for Hashem).
10:00 – The meaning of the expression “Shaul is also among the prophets?” Shaul becomes king. A king of Israel may not negate the honor due him.
13:00 – Nachash Kig of Ammon threatens the Jewish community of Yavesh Gilad. Shaul destroys the army of Ammon.
19:00 – Shmuel reprimands the People of Israel for believing in a king instead of believing in Hashem. Shaul leads the People to do teshuvah by praying before defending themselves against the Philistines, but an act of disrespect of Shmuel HaNavi causes him to lose the kingdom.
25:00 – Yonasan, the son of Shaul, succeeds in a valiant and shrewd attack on the enemy.
30:00 – Shaul HaMelech fails to wipe out the entire nation of Amalekbecause he allowed their king, Agog, to live. Shmuel executes Agog.
38:00 – The gemara questions the strictness of this judgment. Couldn’t Shaul HaMelech have done teshuvah and been forgiven? He could have, except he fell into despair and he was therefore not able to do teshuvah.
43:00 – How did the music of Dovid’s harp soothe the despair of Shaul? The story of the Seventh Beggar: the princess and the Castle of Water.
45:00 – A Jew should never lose hope.

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